
アクセス数 : 1241
ダウンロード数 : 64
島根農科大学研究報告 Volume 8
published_at 1960-03-31

山陰地方における針葉樹の害虫の生理・生態に関する研究(I-2) : 島根県隠岐島におけるマツバノタマバエの生活史について

Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Insects Injurious of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(I-2) : On the Life History of the Pine Leaf Gall Midge, Cecidonyia brachyntera SCHWAGE?, in the Oki Islands
Miura Tadashi
d0020008n014.pdf ( 511 KB )
Since 1958, same investigations on the ecology and control of the pine leaf gall midge, Cecidomyia brachytera SCHWAGE?, have been made by the writer in pine forests in Oki Island, Shimane prefecture, and in the course of these investigations, the life history of the midge in these islands was made clear the outline of which is shown in Table 1Since 1958, same investigations on the ecology and control of the pine leaf gall midge, Cecidomyia brachytera SCHWAGE?, have been made by the writer in pine forests in Oki Island, Shimane prefecture, and in the course of these investigations, the life history of the midge in these islands was made clear the outline of which is shown in Table 1. (Table 1 : Please refer to text.)