
.6 巻
Studies on the Characters of Brown Rice(1) : Changes in the germination capacity and the physical characters on the brown rice
高野 圭三
PP. (A)1 - 10
Studies on the Obstruction of Ripening Barley and Wheat Plants(2) : Influence of the Ripening in Naked Barley under the poor Moisture Content in Soil during the Ripening Period
西川 省造
PP. (A)11 - 13
The non-plowed Barley Cultivation by Water-Flowing-Irrigation as After-Crop of Rice in Paddy Field
三賀森 晃 安達 一明
PP. (A)14 - 15
The Oat Cultivation by water-Flowing-Irrigation
藤光 正昭 三谷 雅亀
PP. (A)16 - 18
Studies on the Magnesium Nutrition of Grape Trees in Sandy Hill Region(I) : Growth of Young Grape Trees as Related to the Concentration of Magnesium in Sand Culture
内藤 隆次 飛谷 弘明
PP. (A)19 - 24
Study on the Absorption of Nutrient in Tulip : On the Seasonal Changes of the Three Elemental Nutrients in Plant
高馬 進 原田 隆定
PP. (A)25 - 30
Studies on the Tulip Breeding by the Seedling Method(II-1)
樋浦 巌
PP. (A)31 - 44
Karyotype Analysis in Tulipa(IV)
田草川 春重 吉田 正温
PP. (A)45 - 60
Studies on the Storage Conditions of Tulip Bulb
吉野 蕃人 渡部 和夫
PP. (A)61 - 67
Karyotype Analysis in Allium(II)
柏木 洋吉 田草川 春重
PP. (A)68 - 69
Studies on the differentiation of fertile and infertile eggs fresh laid(I) : On daily changes in O_2 and CO_2 gas permeated through the egg shell (When the egg is held at 30℃)
加藤 正信
PP. (A)70 - 75
Studies on the toxicity of molybdenum(2) : The effect of orally administered molybdenum on the growth, physical condition and to several organs of rabbit
青木 晋平 田畑 一良 福田 巧究
PP. (A)76 - 82
Aspect of Akiochi in Shimane Prefecture(2) : On the Relation between the Phosphorylase Actibity of the Rice Plants Cultured on the Akiochi-Region and the Occurrence of Helminthosporiose
山本 昌木 野津 幹雄
PP. (A)83 - 90
On tlhe Primary Occurence of Late Blight of Potatoes and the Change of Chemical Components of the Suscept during the Growing Season
山本 昌木 島田 和明
PP. (A)91 - 99
Analytical Studies of Aphid Populations on a Pear-tree
大竹 昭郎
PP. (A)100 - 106
The Distribution of Phaedon brassicae BALY, with Special Reference to Influences of the Dispersal of the Adults upon the Distribution of their Next Generation
大竹 昭郎 船木 諭
PP. (A)107 - 116
Studies on the Increase of Productivity of the Sandhill(4) : Studies on the Leaching of the Ammonium from Nitrogen Fertilizers
小柴 尚博 井田 正二
PP. (A)117 - 120
Studies on the Tomato for Manufacturing(I) : Reaerch for the manner of stem training on San Marzano variety and the selection of some varieties Which hanl, excellent properties for either eating and manufacturing
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)121 - 126
Studies on the Tomatoes for Manufacturing(2) : Experiments on the suitability for manufacturing of San Marzano variety and other ten varieties of tomatoes grown for both eating and manufacturing uses 1
松本 宗人 寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)127 - 132
Volume Table of Natural Regenerated "SUGI"(Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)in Hikimi College Forest
安井 鈞 成田 恒美
PP. (A)133 - 138
Influence of seed weight on the germinative vigor and the seedling height of Kuromatsu (Pinus Thunbergii PARL.)
三宅 登 黒川 卓三
PP. (A)139 - 144
On the Nature of Organic Matter in Forest Soils(2) : Distribution of Uronic Acid in profiles
石橋 秀弘
PP. (A)145 - 147
Some effects of deep-planting upon Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don) and Akamatsu (Pinus densiflora Sieb. Et Zucc.)seedling in transplantation
石橋 秀弘
PP. (A)148 - 153
Studies on the drying of plywood(The relationship between the spreading adhesive and the drying velocity)
福山 万次郎
PP. (A)154 - 158
Relation between the chemical components and the elementary properties of woods (IV) : Effects of the delignification on the strength properties of woods
福渡 七郎 柴田 清
PP. (A)159 - 163
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(2)
坂本 四郎 竹浪 重雄 荒木 彰三
PP. (A)164 - 182
On the Actual Condition of the Livestock Market
細野 誠之
PP. (A)183 - 199
A Study of Common Pasturing in Private Forest
斎藤 政夫 奥井 智
PP. (A)200 - 224
Aristotle's View of Culture
多賀 瑞心
PP. (B)1 - 8
A Study of Person and Personality : Notes on Anthropology
豊田 全
PP. (B)9 - 34
A Study on various Attitudes in Pedagogy
金築 忠雄
PP. (B)35 - 44
PP. 0 -