
.8 巻
Saline Injury on Rice Plant grown under the Nutrient Deficiencies
小合 龍夫 西川 省造
PP. (A)1 - 8
On the Effects of the Fertilization by means of Foliage-Spray or Nutrient-Dropping in Wasabia japonica MATSUM
三賀森 晃 安達 一明
PP. (A)9 - 11
Studies on the Tulip Breeding by the Seedling Method(II-2) : Color Harmony in its Relations to Petals
樋浦 巌
PP. (A)12 - 18
Karyotype Analysis in Tulipa(VI)
田草川 春重 吉田 正温
PP. (A)19 - 26
Studies on the Dropper of Tulip Bulbs : Effect of the Soil Temperature on the Formation of Dropper
吉野 蕃人
PP. (A)27 - 29
Manurial Effects of Some Magnesian Fertilizers and Compost on the Magnesium Deficiency of Grape Trees in Sand Dune Region
高馬 進 内藤 隆次 吾郷 博可
PP. (A)30 - 36
On the Distribution of Fig Tree Root-system in the Sand Dune Region of Shimane Prefecture
高馬 進 渡部 和夫
PP. (A)37 - 42
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-2) : On the Changes of Resting Gas-metabolism, Cardio-respiratory Functions, Blood Lactic Acid and Blood Sugar in Japanese Black Breed of Cattle during the Early Part of the Grazing Period
加藤 正信 青木 晋平 春本 直 藤光 正昭
PP. (A)43 - 51
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-3) : Effects of Grazing on the Blood Conditions
青木 晋平 藤光 正昭 加藤 正信 春本 直
PP. (A)52 - 56
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-4) : The Blood-serum Total Nitrogen and Non-protein Nitrogen Content of Grazing Cattle
春本 直 加藤 正信 青木 晋平 田畑 一良 藤光 正昭
PP. (A)57 - 61
On a Disease Occuring on the Japanese Parsley Cultured in Matsue City(I)
岡田 惇 横木 国臣 山本 昌木
PP. (A)62 - 68
On the Relation between the Occurrence of Ripe-rot Disease and the Seasonal Change of Chemical Components in Grapes
山本 昌木 安盛 博 杉谷 俊則
PP. (A)69 - 71
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Insects Injurious of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(I-1) : The Geographical Distribution of the Pine Leaf Gall Midge, Cecidomyia brachyntera SCHWAGE?, and the Damage of Pines Caused by it
三浦 正
PP. (A)72 - 78
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Insects Injurious of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(I-2) : On the Life History of the Pine Leaf Gall Midge, Cecidonyia brachyntera SCHWAGE?, in the Oki Islands
三浦 正
PP. (A)79 - 80
Consideration of the Experiment Methods on the K-fixation of Soils
三須 英雄 小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. (A)81 - 82
The Correlation of the K-Absorption Capacity, to Humus and Clay of Soils
三須 英雄 小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. (A)83 - 84
The Relation of K-fixation to the Treatment of the Soil with Hydrogen Peroxide, or with Combustion
三須 英雄 小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. (A)85 - 87
Studies on the Changes in the Components of Sweet Potatoes during Storages(I) : Analytical Methods of Chemical Components
松本 宗人
PP. (A)88 - 89
Studies on the Tomatoes for Manufacturing(6) : A Preliminary Method of Colorimetry and Some Informations on the Colours of Materials and Products
松本 宗人
PP. (A)90 - 94
Studies on the Colour of Tomato Products
長坂 啓助 寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)95 - 98
Studies on the Tomato for Manufacturing(6) : On the Property of Italian-tomatoes for Manufacturing
寺田 俊郎 長坂 啓助
PP. (A)99 - 106
On Study of the Influence Circle of Agriculture (Irrigation) on Lake Coast due to the Falling of Lake Water Level
末沢 慶康 北村 孝次郎 豊国 永次
PP. (A)107 - 113
Rank-Correlation among the Four Class-Records in College(Part 2)
新宮 忠雄
PP. (A)114 - 120
Studies on "Shirakashi" (Quercus myrsHinaefolia Blume) Forests Treated by the Selection Method(1) : The present condition of "Shirakashi" selection forest at Shimoyamasa
安井 鈞 成田 恒美 十川 博
PP. (A)121 - 130
Studies on "Shirakashi" (Quercus myrshinaefolia Blume) Forests Treated by the Selection Method(2) : Influence of erosion on the soil aggregates in the selection forest at Shimoyamasa
十川 博 成田 恒美 安井 鈞
PP. (A)131 - 135
On the Injection of Chemicals into Living Trees(17) : Some physiological notes on the chemical peeling of Akamatsu (Pinus densiflora)
山科 健二
PP. (A)136 - 140
On the Subdivision of Sugi into Omote- and Ura-type
遠山 富太郎
PP. (A)141 - 149
On the Growth of Acacia mollssima Planted on the Sterile Soil
遠山 富太郎 三宅 登 黒川 卓三
PP. (A)150 - 157
Reactivity of Isolated Lignin(Part I) : Isolation of the Lignin by Precipitation and Salting-out
福渡 七郎 竹田 貴美 宮崎 親二郎
PP. (A)158 - 163
Observations of the Delignification by the Color Reaction(Part II)
福渡 七郎 安田 徳郎
PP. (A)164 - 168
On Physical Properties of Red Earth in Matsue
三宅 正
PP. (A)169 - 172
On the Weathering Process of Soils Derived from Granite in Several Sabo-afforesting Mountains
石橋 秀弘
PP. (A)173 - 177
Miscellaneous Notes on Fungi Collected at "Hikimi" College Forest(I)
山本 昌木 安盛 博
PP. (A)178 - 185
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(4)
坂本 四郎
PP. (A)186 - 197
A Study on Managemental Economics of the Sericulture-dairying
堀田 剛吉
PP. (A)198 - 208
The Satistical Analysis of the Cyclic Variation in Japanese Cattle
細野 誠之
PP. (A)209 - 216
PP. (A)217 - 225
Nohon-ism and the Rural Middle Stratum
武内 哲夫
PP. (A)226 - 240
The Religious Experience of J. Chikazumi
多賀 瑞心
PP. (B)1 - 15
Ethics in General Education
豊田 全
PP. (B)16 - 39
PP. 0 -