高野 圭三
野津 幹雄
.13 巻
Studies on the Standard of "Beishitsu" viewed from the Some Qualities of Rice Kernels
PP. (A-1)1-4 -
Relationship between certain Nitrogen Fractions in Leaf-Blade of Crops and Salt Tolerance(1)
小合 龍夫
森脇 俊二
PP. (A-1)5-9 -
Studies on the Coloration of Grapes(IV) : Effect of High Day-Temprature in Summer on the Coloration and Maturation of Delaware Grapes
内藤 隆次
植田 尚文
PP. (A-1)10-14 -
Influence of the Measured Area on the Measuring of Skin Color of Fruits and the New Techniques for Studying Color Characteristics of Fruits
樋浦 巌
富山 哲夫
PP. (A-1)15-19 -
Studies on the Tomato for Processing : Varietal Differences in Skin Color and Puree Color of Fruits
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A-1)20-23 -
Studies on the Tomato for Processing : Influence of Harvesting Control on Yielding and Quality
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A-1)24-29 -
Technical Analysis on the Method of Cultivation for Tulip Bulbs in Holland
吉野 蕃人
PP. (A-1)30-35 -
On the Control of Cucumber Damping-off with Orthocide (Captan)
山本 昌木
達山 和紀
加藤 寛
PP. (A-1)36-39 -
Effects of Nrtrogen Fertilizer upon the Occurrence of Anthracnose in Cucumber Plants and of Carbon Sources upon the Mycelial Growth of the Causal Fungus (A Preliminary Report)
安盛 博
山田 員人
PP. (A-1)40-44 -
The List of Insect in Shimane Prefecture(IV) : Coleoptera (Curculionoidea)
近木 英哉
PP. (A-1)45-54 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Injurious insects of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(II-1) : On the Distributions of the injured Trees by the Japanese Swift moth, in Cryptomeria Afforested Land
三浦 正
PP. (A-1)55-57 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-6) : Grazing Behabiours of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle grazed on Pasture(2)
青木 晋平
加藤 正信
春本 直
武田 祥
PP. (A-1)58-62 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-9) : On the Differences of Energy Expenditure among Japanese Black Breed of Cattle (Wagyu), Dairy Heifer and Mare when grazed on the same Range
加藤 正信
青木 晋平
春本 直
武田 祥
PP. (A-1)63-66 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-10) : On the Indirect Estimation of Energy Expenditure from Heart Rate in the Grazing Cattle
春本 直
加藤 正信
青木 晋平
武田 祥
PP. (A-1)67-70 -
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shirakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis Myrsinaefolia Oerst.) Coppice-Forests Managed by Selection Method(5) : On the Experiment of Selection Cutting and the Growth at the Shimoyamasa No.2 Permanent Plot
安井 鈞
PP. (A-2)71-78 -
PP. (A-2)79-83 -
PP. (A-2)84-86 -
On the estimation of the Akamatsu (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) trees growth by the increment borer
山科 健二
吉武 時夫
PP. (A-2)87-92 -
Studies on the Cembustive Mechanism of Forest Fires(3) : Relationship between Inclination of a Slope and a Rate of Fire Spread
中村 貞一
PP. (A-2)93-97 -
Effect of Thickhess of Vacuum Evaporation Film on Elastic Modulus of Modified Epoxy Resin
高橋 徹
藤田 晋輔
PP. (A-2)98-100 -
PP. (A-2)101-106 -
PP. (A-2)107-108 -
On the Reactivity of Isolated Lignins(Part III) : On the Dimethylsulfoxide Lignin and its Isolation
福渡 七郎
久下 喬
神保 幹夫
PP. (A-3)109-115 -
A pH Gradient Partition Chromatography of Plasma Albumin : An Attempt se Separate into Subfractions
久下 喬
PP. (A-3)116-120 -
Hydraulic Model Study on the Tide-gate of Nakaumi Sea Reclamation(II) : Preliminary Model Experiment of Tide-gate in the Fresh-salt Water
末沢 慶康
豊国 永次
桑野 定美
沢田 敏男
南 勲
高須 俊行
大塚 忠夫
PP. (A-4)121-138 -
PP. (A-5)139-151 -
PP. (A-5)152-161 -
Studies on the Account-system and account-concept in Private Forestry Accounting
中尾 鉱
PP. (A-5)162-178 -
The Correspondence of "the Seventeen-aricle Constitution" to the Social Realities
豊田 全
PP. (B)1 - 12
Some Considerations of "the Natural Progress of Opulence" in Adam Smith
武内 哲夫
PP. (B)13 - 23
PP. (B)24 - 33
PP. (B)34 - 41