
Current Issue
.Volume 13
Studies on the Standard of "Beishitsu" viewed from the Some Qualities of Rice Kernels
Takano Keizo Nozu Mikio
PP. (A-1)1-4 -
Relationship between certain Nitrogen Fractions in Leaf-Blade of Crops and Salt Tolerance(1)
Ogo Tatsuo Moriwaki Shunzi
PP. (A-1)5-9 -
Studies on the Coloration of Grapes(IV) : Effect of High Day-Temprature in Summer on the Coloration and Maturation of Delaware Grapes
Naito Ryuji Ueda Hisafumi
PP. (A-1)10-14 -
Influence of the Measured Area on the Measuring of Skin Color of Fruits and the New Techniques for Studying Color Characteristics of Fruits
Hiura Iwao Tomiyama Tetsuo
PP. (A-1)15-19 -
Studies on the Tomato for Processing : Varietal Differences in Skin Color and Puree Color of Fruits
Terada Toshiro
PP. (A-1)20-23 -
Studies on the Tomato for Processing : Influence of Harvesting Control on Yielding and Quality
Terada Toshiro
PP. (A-1)24-29 -
Technical Analysis on the Method of Cultivation for Tulip Bulbs in Holland
Yoshino Shigeto
PP. (A-1)30-35 -
On the Control of Cucumber Damping-off with Orthocide (Captan)
Yamamoto Masaki Tatsuyama Kadzunori Kato Hiroshi
PP. (A-1)36-39 -
Effects of Nrtrogen Fertilizer upon the Occurrence of Anthracnose in Cucumber Plants and of Carbon Sources upon the Mycelial Growth of the Causal Fungus (A Preliminary Report)
Yasumori Hiroshi Yamada Kazuto
PP. (A-1)40-44 -
The List of Insect in Shimane Prefecture(IV) : Coleoptera (Curculionoidea)
Chikaki Hideya
PP. (A-1)45-54 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Injurious insects of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(II-1) : On the Distributions of the injured Trees by the Japanese Swift moth, in Cryptomeria Afforested Land
Miura Tadashi
PP. (A-1)55-57 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-6) : Grazing Behabiours of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle grazed on Pasture(2)
Aoki Shimpei Kato Masanobu Harumoto Tadashi Takeda Sho
PP. (A-1)58-62 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-9) : On the Differences of Energy Expenditure among Japanese Black Breed of Cattle (Wagyu), Dairy Heifer and Mare when grazed on the same Range
Kato Masanobu Aoki Shimpei Harumoto Tadashi Takeda Sho
PP. (A-1)63-66 -
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-10) : On the Indirect Estimation of Energy Expenditure from Heart Rate in the Grazing Cattle
Harumoto Tadashi Kato Masanobu Aoki Shimpei Takeda Sho
PP. (A-1)67-70 -
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shirakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis Myrsinaefolia Oerst.) Coppice-Forests Managed by Selection Method(5) : On the Experiment of Selection Cutting and the Growth at the Shimoyamasa No.2 Permanent Plot
Yasui Hitoshi
PP. (A-2)71-78 -
On an Example Growth of Akamatsu and Kuromatsu by the "Nest-Planting"
Tooyama Tomitatroo Miyake Noboru
PP. (A-2)79-83 -
A Report on the Growth and the Cold Resistance of Acacia spp.
Tooyama Tomitatroo Miyake Noboru
PP. (A-2)84-86 -
On the estimation of the Akamatsu (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.) trees growth by the increment borer
Yamashina Kenji Yoshitake Tokio
PP. (A-2)87-92 -
Studies on the Cembustive Mechanism of Forest Fires(3) : Relationship between Inclination of a Slope and a Rate of Fire Spread
Nakamura Sadaiti
PP. (A-2)93-97 -
Effect of Thickhess of Vacuum Evaporation Film on Elastic Modulus of Modified Epoxy Resin
Takahashi Akira Fujita Shinsuke
PP. (A-2)98-100 -
On the Sowmills With Hydroulic Motor in Japan
Sakurai Toshio
PP. (A-2)101-106 -
Time Study on the Cutting and Hauling Operation of Mosochiku Groves
Miyake Tadashi
PP. (A-2)107-108 -
On the Reactivity of Isolated Lignins(Part III) : On the Dimethylsulfoxide Lignin and its Isolation
Fukuwatari Shichiro Kuge Takashi Zinbo Mikio
PP. (A-3)109-115 -
A pH Gradient Partition Chromatography of Plasma Albumin : An Attempt se Separate into Subfractions
Kuge Takashi
PP. (A-3)116-120 -
Hydraulic Model Study on the Tide-gate of Nakaumi Sea Reclamation(II) : Preliminary Model Experiment of Tide-gate in the Fresh-salt Water
Suezawa Yosiyasu Toyokuni Eiji Kuwano Sadami Sawada Tosio Minami Isao Takasu Tosiyuki Otuka Tadao
PP. (A-4)121-138 -
Some Problems of Mechanization in Agriculturally Underdeveloped Regions
Hotta Takeyosi
PP. (A-5)139-151 -
The Ideas cherished in Co-operative Union Movements
Inomata Itaru
PP. (A-5)152-161 -
Studies on the Account-system and account-concept in Private Forestry Accounting
Nakao Hiroshi
PP. (A-5)162-178 -
The Correspondence of "the Seventeen-aricle Constitution" to the Social Realities
Toyota Tamotsu
PP. (B)1 - 12
Some Considerations of "the Natural Progress of Opulence" in Adam Smith
Takeuchi Tetsuo
PP. (B)13 - 23
G. Greene's 'Entertainments'
Yano Michio
PP. (B)24 - 33
Educational Extention Work
Kanetsuku Tadao
PP. (B)34 - 41