
アクセス数 : 1072
ダウンロード数 : 90
島根農科大学研究報告 13 巻
1965-01-10 発行

山陰地方における針葉樹の害虫の生理、生態に関する研究(II-1) : スギ造林地におけるコウモリガによる被害木の分布について

Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Injurious insects of Coniferous Trees in San'in District(II-1) : On the Distributions of the injured Trees by the Japanese Swift moth, in Cryptomeria Afforested Land
三浦 正
d0020013n011.pdf ( 1.3 MB )
The purpose of this paper was to describe the results of investigations on the distributions of the injured trees by the Japanes swift moth, Phassus excrescens BUTLER, in cryptomeria afforested land in YOKOTA, Shimane Prefecture, in 1962.
These results are sbown in Figure 1.
The cryptomeria afforested land had gentle slopes and the slopes run from northern to the southern sides Consequently, the density of the Japanese swift moth was higher in lower side than in the other. It may be due to the special climatic condition in the lower side where no wind blows and sunny.