小合 龍夫
.7 巻
Studies on the Saline Injury to Crops(V) : Sodium and chloride accumulation and moisture in leaves associated with leaf-burn symptoms in rice
PP. (A)1 - 6
PP. (A)7 - 12
Studies on the Tulip Breeding by the Seedling Method(I-3) : Some effects of day-length on the growth of 1st-, 2nd-and 3rd-year-old tulip seedlings
樋浦 巌
PP. (A)13 - 20
PP. (A)21 - 34
Yield and Quality as Related to the Three Elemental and Season of Niotrogenous Manuring of Tulip Bulbs in Sand Culture
吉野 蕃人
阪田 隆三
PP. (A)35 - 41
Studies on the Early Defoliation of Peach Trees on Volcanic Ash Soil(2)
高馬 進
内藤 隆次
松岡 広
PP. (A)42 - 46
PP. (A)47 - 48
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-1) : Grazing Behavior of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle
青木 晋平
藤光 正昭
景山 誠
加藤 正信
田畑 一良
PP. (A)49 - 59
Effects of Grazing on the Resting Gas-metabolism and on the Cardio-respiratory Functions in Japanese Black Breed of Cattle
加藤 正信
青木 晋平
田畑 一良
藤光 正昭
PP. (A)61 - 68
Studies on the leaf spot disease of pine trees and some physiological characters of the pathogen
山本 昌木
安盛 博
岡田 惇
PP. (A)69 - 73
Studies on so-called 'Hachikami' disease causing brown-stain of cryptomeria wood
安盛 博
山本 昌木
PP. (A)74 - 78
Fusarium disease of Tulip occured in Shimane Prefecture
山本 昌木
達山 和紀
吉野 蕃人
三沢 健一
PP. (A)79 - 84
On the proteins detected by paper electrophoresis in the blood of larvae of rice-stem borer
達山 和紀
三浦 正
PP. (A)85 - 86
On some methods used for study of the two egg-parasites of the rice-stem borer, Trichogramma japonicum ASHMEAD and Telenomus dignus(GAHAN)
大竹 昭郎
PP. (A)87 - 92
Studies on the disease of insects(No.2) : Studies on symptoms due to Isaria farinosa(DICKS.) FR., in the rice stem borer, Chilosuppressalis WALKER
三浦 正
PP. (A)93 - 96
Studies on the disease of insects(No.3) : The relation of the environmental temperature to the incubation period and the hyphal growth of Isaria farinosa(DICKS.)FR., inoculated into the rice stem borer, Chilosuppressalis WALKER
三浦 正
PP. (A)97 - 100
A metbod to raise the preservation of surface soil moisture on sand-dune soil
十川 博
PP. (A)101 - 105
Studies on the Tomatoes for Manufacturing(3) : Experiments on the suitability for manufacturing of San Marzano variety and other ten varieties of tomatoes grown for both eating and manufacturing uses(2)
松本 宗人
吉田 俊成
PP. (A)106 - 111
Studies on the Tomato for Manufacturing(4) : Difference in Blant Habit and Characters of Fruit between some Strains of San Marzano Variety
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)112 - 118
Studies on the Tomatoes for Manufacturing(5) : Experiments on the manufacturing suitability of the three strains of San Marzano variety
松本 宗人
岩原 章二郎
PP. (A)119 - 121
Field tests of weed control by chemicals(I) : Effects of CL-IPC sprays onbarley, rape and onion fields
寺田 俊郎
平井 政夫
PP. (A)122 - 126
On the Utilization of Rye Grain(1) : Flours of various milling yield and their contents of general components
松本 宗人
保科 哲夫
PP. (A)127 - 129
Studies on the basin recharge used to the runoff analysis : (on the headwater basin)
豊国 永次
PP. (A)130 - 138
PP. (A)139 - 148
On the Injection of Chemicals into Living Trees(13) : Killing Effect of Sodium Chlorate on the Various Trees
山科 健二
小野 正行
PP. (A)149 - 153
PP. (A)154 - 164
PP. (A)165 - 177
PP. (A)178 - 181
PP. (A)182 - 188
On the drying of board : The elevating process of temperature and the moisture distribution in wood
福山 万次郎
竹村 冨男
PP. (A)189 - 195
PP. (A)196 - 200
PP. (A)201 - 218
PP. (A)219 - 225
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising under the Share Lease
竹浪 重雄
PP. (A)226 - 236
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(3)
荒木 彰三
坂本 四郎
竹浪 重雄
PP. (A)237 - 248
PP. (A)249 - 256
PP. (A)257 - 265
PP. (B)1 - 13
PP. (B)15 - 26
PP. (B)27 - 36
PP. (B)37 - 45
PP. 0 -