西川 省造
高野 圭三
.5 巻
Studies on the Obstruction of Ripening Barley and Wheat Plants(I) : Effects of Soil Moisture Content on the Growth and Ripening of Naked Barley Plants
PP. 1 - 5
Studies on the Tulip Breeding by the Seedling Method(I-2) : The growth of the I-year-old seedlings
樋浦 巌
PP. 6 - 9
Study on the Early Defoliation of Peach Trees on Volcanic Ash Soil
高馬 進
内藤 隆次
PP. 10 - 15
Studies on the Increase of Productivity of the Sandhill(2) : Fertilizing experiments for barley
小柴 尚博
十川 博
PP. 16 - 18
Studies on the Increase of Productivity of the Sandhill(3) : On the solubility of NH_3-N component of solid fertilizer added to the sand soil
十川 博
小柴 尚博
PP. 19 - 20
Studies on the Barley Cultivation by lrrigation dealing with Soil and Manure(Part 2) : Nutrients absorption of barley cultivated by irrigation
小柴 尚博
十川 博
PP. 21 - 23
Some Observation on the Liberation of Zoospoores from Zoosporangia of Phytophthora infestans (MONT.) DEBARY and Development of the Pathogens after the Penetration to Their Suscept Plants
山本 昌木
PP. 24 - 29
Studies on the Relation between the Catalase Activity and Organic Iorn Contents in Potato Leaves Inoculated with Phytophthora infestans
山本 昌木
達山 和紀
PP. 30 - 32
On the Histochemical Observations of the Suscept Cells Pentrated by Cochliobolus Miyabeanus, and the Relation between the Occurence of Helminthosporiose and Iron, especially Organic Iron, in the Rice Plant
達山 和紀
山本 昌木
PP. 33 - 36
The Activity of Lepidopterous Egg Parasites in the Rice Field, with Special Reference to Trichogramma japonicum and Phanurus beneficiens
大竹 昭郎
PP. 37 - 44
Ecological studies on Eucorysses grandis THUNBERG(No.4) : On the thermal reaction of the nymphal stage
三浦 正
近木 英哉
PP. 45 - 48
On the diminution of body weight in the pupal stage of the common cabbage Butterfly, Piris rapae cruciucivora BOISDUVAL
三浦 正
PP. 49 - 52
Studies on the toxicity of Molybdenum(1) : The effect of orally administered molybdenum on the growth, physical condition and to seversl organs of rat
青木 晋平
田畑 一良
山崎 敬志
PP. 53 - 57
Studies on the Fading of Hair Colour in Japanese Black Breed of Cattle(III) : Analysis of the Environmental Factors in the Affected Area
青木 晋平
田畑 一良
PP. 58 - 61
Effects of Temperature in the "Vinyl Film Tunnel" on the Growth and Fruiting of Tomatoes
寺田 俊郎
渡部 和夫
PP. 62 - 65
So-called "Vinyl Rice Growing " in Mountainous District of Shimane
三賀森 晃
安達 一明
PP. 66 - 67
A Report on the Broad leaved Forest in Hikimi College Forest
成田 恒美
山科 健二
小迫 恵彦
PP. 68 - 72
On the Injection of Chemicals into Living Tree(7) : The Barking Test of the Willow (Salix babylonica L.)
山科 健二
小笠原 祐利
PP. 73 - 75
Developent of Cones of Akamatsu (Pinus densiflora S. et Z.) and Kuromatsu (P. Thunbergii PARL.)
三宅 登
黒川 卓三
PP. 76 - 80
PP. 81 - 84
PP. 85 - 90
Some Considerations to the "Common Pasturing" (Iriai-hoboku) of Japanese Breedes of Cattle in Chugoku-district
斎藤 政夫
奥井 智
PP. 91 - 100
A Study on the Cattle-share Lease in the case in which Country Dealers are Landlords
竹浪 重雄
荒木 彰三
PP. 101 - 108
An Economical Analysis on the Conversion of "Fuel-Forest" into "Timber-Forest"
赤井 英夫
佐川 安弘
PP. 109 - 121
PP. 122 - 129
PP. 130 - 137
PP. 138 - 142
Matching Problem of Book-cases and Books Consisting of Many Parts taken from Gathered Works
新宮 忠雄
PP. 143 - 144
PP. 145 - 152
PP. 153 - 159
PP. 0 -