
アクセス数 : 1497
ダウンロード数 : 88
島根農科大学研究報告 5 巻
1957-03-31 発行

和牛の被毛褪色に関する研究(第III報) : 発生地帯の環境要因分析

Studies on the Fading of Hair Colour in Japanese Black Breed of Cattle(III) : Analysis of the Environmental Factors in the Affected Area
青木 晋平
田畑 一良
d0020005n014.pdf ( 786 KB )
Continuously previous reports, to account for the cause of the fading of hair colour we have made investigation from analysis of environmental factors (roughages, soil, and river water) in those affected area.
The principal results obtained hitherto were as follows ;
1. Molybdenum content in the roughages found in the affected area were form 16.00p.p.m. to 1.90p.p.m. and copper content beeing from 16.66 to 3.42 p.p.m.
2. The molybdenum content of the soils and river water in the affected area were 33.00 to 16.00 p.p.m. and 0.018-0.002p.p.m. respectively.
3. The cause of the fading of hair colour in the Japanese Black Breed of cattle which occured at Nogigun in Shimaneken, is appeared to the remissive symptoms of molybdenosis.