
.12 巻
Some Qualities of Rice Kernels in Ripening
高野 圭三 野津 幹雄
PP. (A)1 - 6
Psychophysical Investigations of Color Arrangement in the Tulip Flower Petal and its Meaning on Plant Breeding
樋浦 巌
PP. (A)7 - 9
Studies on Kudzu, Pueraria, hirsuta Matsum., a Japanese Leguminous Forage Plant(Part I) : Some Characters of Various Strains and the Distribution of Hairless Type
安達 一明 樋浦 巌 森山 峻昇
PP. (A)10 - 15
Studies on the Coloration of Grapes(III) : Influence of Dippings of Gibberellic Acid (G.A.) on the Pigmentation of Delaware Grapes
内藤 隆次 柿木 尚文
PP. (A)16 - 19
Studies on Virus Diseases of Tulips Cultivated in Shimane Prefecture(1)
山本 昌木 石田 昭夫
PP. (A)20 - 23
A List of Insects in Shimane Prefecture(III) : Coleoptera (Scarabaeoidea)
近木 英哉
PP. (A)24 - 31
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-5) : Grazing Behaviors of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle (Wagyu), Crossbred of Holstein Cow and Crossbred of Arab Mare when grazed on the same Pasture
青木 晋平 加藤 正信 春本 直 武田 祥
PP. (A)32 - 38
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-8) : The Estimations of the Digestibility and Forage Intake with Grazing Cattle by Indicator Methods
春本 直 加藤 正信 青木 晋平 武田 祥
PP. (A)39 - 42
The Relationship between pH and K-Fixation of the Clay Minerals
小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. (A)43 - 45
Hydraulic Model Study on the Tide-gate of Nakaumi Sea Reclamation(I) : Investigation on the Value of Discharge Coeffiient-μ of du Buat's Formula in the Fresh Water
末沢 慶康 豊国 永次 桑野 定美 沢田 敏男 南 勲 高須 俊行 大塚 忠夫
PP. (A)46 - 64
Quality of Artificially Ripened Tomatoes for Manufucturing Purposes
長坂 啓助
PP. (A)65 - 69
Studies on the Tomato for Processing Differences between Strains and Varieties in the Resistance to Late-Blignt
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)70 - 75
Fundamental Studies on Seed Gardens of Japanese Pine(3) : Cone-Bearing Ability of Kuromatsu (Pinus thunbergii Parl.)
三宅 登
PP. (A)76 - 83
On the course of growth in Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D.Don) and Hinoki (Chamacyparis obtusa Endl.) trees
山科 健二
PP. (A)84 - 88
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shrrakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis Myrsinaefolia Oerst.) Coppice-Forest Managed by the Selection Method(3) : Stand Structure and Empirical Yield Table of "Shirakashi" Coppice-Forest by Clear Cutting System
安井 鈞 浜田 明伸
PP. (A)89 - 98
Time Study on the Cutting and Hauling Operation of Hachiku Groves
三宅 正
PP. (A)99 - 100
The Technologic Properties of Wood imported from the Southen Asia(I) : On the Yield Rate of Lauan Block by Rotary-Cutting
桜井 敏夫 山根 啓義
PP. (A)101 - 104
Reactivity of the Isolated Lignins(II) : Solubility of the Isolated Lignins in the Binary Mixtures
福渡 七郎 井川 忠
PP. (A)105 - 112
Business Analysis of Nijjiseiki-Pear Enterprise
渡部 晴基
PP. (A)113 - 123
Usufructuary Rights in Public Forest-Pasture(1) : Legal Character of the "Right of Common Pasturing" in Mt.Sambe, Shimane Prefecture
斎藤 政夫
PP. (A)124 - 134
The Development of "Shimane Grape" Culture and the Marketing
猪股 趣
PP. (A)135 - 144
PP. (A)145 - 155
The World of Llght : Light-Metaphysics of the Pure Land Buddhism
多賀 瑞心
PP. (B-1)1-12 -
In what way did Dr. Watsuji grasp Marx's Anthropology? : A Critique on Watsuji's anthropological Critique on Marx's Anthropology
豊田 全
PP. (B-1)13-35 -
Karyotype Analysis in Tulipa(X)
田草川 春重 吉田 正温
PP. (B-2)1-8 -
Application of a Theory of Irreversible Polarographic Waves to the Reduction of Amine Oxides
伊達 善夫 山本 春海
PP. (B-2)9-15 -