竹崎 嘉德
.9 巻
PP. 0 -
Studies on the Characters of Rice Kernel-"Beisitu"(2) : Free Amino Acid in Rice Kernel
高野 圭三
野津 幹雄
PP. (A-1)1-6 -
PP. (A-1)7-9 -
Rice Varieties viewed from Root Development under Saline Conditions
小合 龍夫
富山 哲夫
PP. (A-1)10-12 -
PP. (A-1)13-17 -
Studies on Resistance in Rice Plant to Rice Stem Maggot,Chlorops oryzae MATSUMURA, especially on Variability of Percentage of Injured Ears per Plant
安達 一明
三賀森 晃
三谷 雅亀
PP. (A-1)18-26 -
Distribution of Root System of a Chestnut Tree and Amounts of Manure Elements Absorbed by the Tree
高馬 進
松岡 広
篠原 玄三
PP. (A-1)27-32 -
Physioiogical Studies on Appearance of Abnormal Leaves on Nijisseiki Pear Trees
高馬 進
中山 昌明
PP. (A-1)33-39 -
Effects of Gibberellic Acid Application on Promoting of Ripening Period of Delaware Grape Vine
高馬 進
松岡 広
PP. (A-1)40-51 -
Studies on the Colorlation of Grape Vine Fruits(1) : Skin Pigments of Delaware, Campbell Early, Muscat Bailey A and Red Millennium
内藤 隆次
PP. (A-1)52-57 -
Sprinkler Irrigation Practices with Grape Vines in Sandy Hill Region
渡辺 和夫
松岡 広
PP. (A-1)58-62 -
Studies on the Respiration of Fruits and Vegetables(2) : The Relationship between Respiration Rate and Surface Area
長坂 啓助
中村 怜之輔
PP. (A-1)63-66 -
PP. (A-1)67-72 -
Studies on the Effect of Irrigation Time of Day to the Growth and Yield of Beans
吉野 蕃人
PP. (A-1)73-77 -
The Investigation of the Realities on the Culture of Tomato for Manufacturing in Shimane Prefecture
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A-1)78-84 -
Studies on the Tomato for Manufacturing(8) : On the F_1 Plant of Tomato for Manufacturing
寺田 俊郎
長坂 啓助
高橋 亮正
PP. (A-1)85-92 -
PP. (A-1)93-97 -
Studies on the Tulip Breeding by the Seedling Method : Method of Breeding
樋浦 巌
PP. (A-1)98-105 -
Studies on the Physiology of Work in Domestic Animal(VIII) : Interrelation existing among the Blood Lactic Acid, the Oxygen Pulse and the Shape of Pulse Rate Curve at the Early Stage of Test-work measured an Hour after the End of Preceding-work
加藤 正信
春本 直
PP. (A-1)106-111 -
Studies on the Toxicity of Molybdenum(3) : The Effect of Orally Administered Molybdenum on the Tissue of Skin and Wool in the Rabbit
青木 晋平
田畑 一良
PP. (A-1)112-116 -
PP. (A-1)117-123 -
The Relation of K-Fixation to the Treatment of the Soils with Temperature
三須 英雄
小柴 尚博
佐野 豊
PP. (A-1)124-126 -
Some physical and chemical Properties of the Farm Soils in Shimane Prefecture
三須 英雄
小柴 尚博
佐野 豊
PP. (A-1)127-144 -
On the Antibiotic Activity of Some Bacilli(I) : Observation on the antibiotic activity of isolated organism and its bacteriological classification
松本 宗人
PP. (A-1)145-151 -
On the Antibiotic Activity of Some Bacilli(II) : The relation between antibacterial potency and cultural condition concerning to one strain previously isolated (a var. of B. prausnitzii T.)
松本 宗人
PP. (A-1)152-159 -
On the Antibiotic Activity of Some Bacilli(III) : Isolation and identification of the antibiotic of a strain of B. prausnitzii T.
松本 宗人
PP. (A-1)160-163 -
On the Antibiotic Activity of Some Bacilli(IV) : Antibiotics of several strains of natto bacteria
松本 宗人
PP. (A-1)164-167 -
On the Antibiotic Activity of Some Bacilli(V) : Antibiotics of several strains not classified as natto bacteria
松本 宗人
PP. (A-1)168-171 -
On the production of slime substance by natto bacteria(I) : Chemical composition of the slime substance
松本 宗人
岩原 章二郎
PP. (A-1)172-174 -
Studies on the slime substance of natto bacteria(II) : A method for the determination of the slime substance and the effects of cultural conditions on the production of the slime
松本 宗人
岩原 章二郎
PP. (A-1)175-178 -
PP. (A-1)179-182 -
PP. (A-1)183-188 -
Analytical Consideration on the Relation between Rainfall and Runoff : Linearity and Non-linearity on the Relation between Rainfall and Runoff
豊国 永次
PP. (A-1)189-196 -
On a Disease Occuring on Japanese Parseley Cultured in Matsue City(II)
山本 昌木
横木 国臣
稲熊 裕
PP. (A-1)197-202 -
Studies on the so-called "Hachikami" Disease Causing Brown-stain of Cryptomeria Wood(II) : Pathogenicity of Cephalosporium fungus to the suscept, its physiological characters and the physico-chemical change of diseased wood
安盛 博
伊吹 浩太
山本 昌木
PP. (A-1)203-208 -
Sampling Techniques Applicable to Studies on Rice-Stem Borer Egg-Mass Populations
大竹 昭郎
PP. (A-1)209-221 -
PP. (A-1)222-236 -
PP. (A-1)237-269 -
PP. (A-1)270-282 -
Studies on the natural Sugi in the Shimane Agricultural College Forest of HIKIMI(I) : On the variations seen in the natural forest of Sugi(Cryptomeria japonica) in Hikimi(Western Part of Shimane)
遠山 富太郎
PP. (A-2)1-8 -
Studies on the natural Sugi in the Shimane Agricultural College Forest of HIKIMI(II) : Study on the regeneration of the natural Sugi(No.1) : On the development and growth of the natural layers
沖村 義人
山根 良夫
小野 正行
PP. (A-2)9-24 -
Studies on the Natural Sugi in the Shimane Agricultual College Forest of Hikimi(III) : On the Construction of Three Volume for Log Rule of Natural Regenerated "Sugi" (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don.) in Hikimi College Forest
安井 鈞
成田 恒美
PP. (A-2)25-30 -
Studies on“Shirakashi”(Quercus myrsinaefolia Blume)Forests Treated by Selection Method(3) : On the Sprouts in the Selection Forests at Shimoyamasa(1) Growth of Current Year Sporuts
成田 恒美
安井 鈞
PP. (A-2)31-36 -
On the Economical Unit of Sampling Survey for Seedlings in Nurseries
安井 鈞
藤田 直四郎
PP. (A-2)37-43 -
On the Injection of Chemicals into Living Trees(21) : Effect of injected nutrient solution to the Sugi seedling (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don)
山科 健二
PP. (A-2)45-54 -
Effects of various Concentrations of Nitrogen Fertilizers on Growth in the Clone of the grafted Akamatsu trees(Pinus densiflora)
三宅 登
黒川 卓三
PP. (A-2)55-60 -
PP. (A-2)61-63 -
Studies of the Geometric Design and Costruction of Forest Roads(II)
三宅 正
PP. (A-2)64-70 -
Whether a Wire Netting Screen Could Break Down a Brush Fire? (preliminary report)
中村 貞一
福田 竜二
松本 常世
PP. (A-2)71-74 -
PP. (A-2)75-102 -
Studies on Relationship between Creep and Moisture Content of Wood
竹村 冨男
福山 万次郎
春名 伸哉
PP. (A-2)103-108 -
Studies of the Wood Chemical Conversions(I) : Acid Hydrolysis of Pinus densiflora
福渡 七郎
宮本 平
PP. (A-2)109-112 -
Studies on the Wood Chemical Conversions(II) : Acid Hydrolysis of Castanea crenata and of its Holo-cellulose
福渡 七郎
中田 幸次郎
PP. (A-2)113-117 -
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(5)
坂本 四郎
PP. (A-3)1-13 -
The progress of farming in Hikawa-plains where wet rice-fields are commonly, and farm management problems after the land improvement
竹浪 重雄
PP. (A-3)14-30 -
PP. (A-3)31-42 -
PP. (A-3)43-52 -
Some Previous Questions of Nohon-ism : mainly, a visual axis for Analysis
武内 哲夫
PP. (A-3)53-59 -
PP. (A-3)60-66 -
PP. (A-3)67-75 -
PP. (A-3)76-83 -
A consideration on the Essence of Forestowner's Association
赤井 英夫
PP. (A-3)84-98 -
PP. (A-3)99-116 -
PP. (B)1 - 16
Similarities between the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann and the dialectic Materialism
豊田 全
PP. (B)17 - 38
PP. (B)39 - 56
PP. (B)57 - 67
PP. 巻末1 - 8