
アクセス数 : 1073
ダウンロード数 : 83
島根農科大学研究報告 9 巻
1961-03-31 発行


Studies on the Waxing Treatment for Fruits and Vegetables
長坂 啓助
d0020009n012.pdf ( 2.47 MB )
The effects of waxing treatment for fruits and vegetables, especially the inhibitory mechanism of the transpiration and the respiration were studied.
Applied samples were several kinds of fruits and vegetables such as mandarin oranges, pears, apples, Japanese persimmons, cucumbers and egg-plants. As the wax, five kinds of marketing and the one manufactued in our laboratory were employed.
The degree of the effects of waxing treatment was not equal each other according to the varieties of objects. It was remarkable for mandarin oranges and cucumbers but for apples and egg-plants it was slight. And any effect could not be recognized for Japanese persimmons.
These gaps of the effects according to the varieties of objects seem to have connection with physical conditions of the surface of fruits and vegetables. It is assumed that when the surface is rugged the film of wax become thicker in average, therefor the defusion of moisture and CO_2 gas is inhibited and the effects of waxing treatment come out more remarkably.