
.11 巻
Chloride Content of Leaf-Blade in "Saline" Crops(3) : Studies on the "Salt Tolerance" in Crops
小合 龍夫 堀江 保博
PP. (A)1 - 4
On the Annual Variation of Varietal Difference of Rice Plants in the Appearance of Injured Ears caused by Rice Stem Maggot
安達 一明 藤田 武夫 三谷 雅亀
PP. (A)5 - 8
The Effects of the Alternation of Temperature on the Germination of Tulip seeds
樋浦 巌
PP. (A)9 - 13
Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Grapes affected by the Soil Treatments in the Sand Dune Area(I) : Effects of Rice Straw, Barnyard Manure and Green Manure Application
内藤 隆次 竹下 修 伊藤 武義
PP. (A)14 - 19
On a Disease Occuring on Japanese Parseley Cultured in Matsue City(III)
山本 昌木 達山 和紀 吉田 輝久
PP. (A)20 - 22
Production of Pectinolytic Enzyme by the Anthracnose Fungus in its Invasion on Cucurbit Plants
安盛 博
PP. (A)23 - 26
A List of Insects in Shimane Prefecture(II) : Coleoptera (Cerambycidae)
近木 英哉
PP. (A)27 - 34
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(I-4) : Grazing Behaviors of Japanese Black Breed of Cattle grazed on Pasture
青木 晋平 加藤 正信 藤光 正昭 武田 祥
PP. (A)35 - 39
Physiological and Ecological Studies on the Grazing Cattle(II-7) : On the Differences of Energy Expenditure in Grazing Japanese Black Breed of Cattle according to their Ages and other Conditions(2)
加藤 正信 青木 晋平 藤光 正昭 武田 祥
PP. (A)40 - 44
The Relation of Calcium to the K-Fixation by the Clay Minerals
小柴 尚博 佐野 豊
PP. (A)45 - 49
On the Polynucleotides in the Cell of Natto-bacteria
松本 宗人 岩原 章二郎 安部 章蔵
PP. (A)50 - 53
Experiments on the Processing Quality of San Marzano and Other Varieties of Tomatoes Grown for Manufacturing and Edible Use
松本 宗人 寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)54 - 59
Studies on the Tomato Fruits for Manufucturing Industry(10) : The Varietal Difference of Total Solids and Contents of Pigments in Tomato Fruits
寺田 俊郎
PP. (A)60 - 66
Leaf length as a genetical indicator of Japanese 2-leafed pines
遠山 富太郎 新谷 賢治
PP. (A)67 - 72
Studies on the Combustive Mechanism of Forest Fires(1) : On the Relations between Density and Flame Advancement in Fires of Continuous Combustibles
中村 貞一
PP. (A)73 - 76
Studies on the Combustive Mechanism of Forest Fires(2) : On the Relations between Density and Flame Advancement in Fires of Discontinuous Combustibles
中村 貞一
PP. (A)77 - 79
On the course of growth in Akamatsu tree (Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc.)
山科 健二
PP. (A)80 - 85
Studies on the Productive Structure of "Shirakashi" (Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia Oerst.) Coppice-Forests Managed by the Selection Method(2) : The Analytics of Stand Structure and Forest Growth by the Data from SHIMOYAMASA I Permanent Plot
安井 鈞
PP. (A)86 - 97
Studies on Sawing with the Perforated Band-sow Blades(II) : Influence of the Punching Form to the Sawing Efficiency
桜井 敏夫
PP. (A)98 - 105
Stress Relaxation in Relation to the Non-equilibrium State in the Wood-water System
竹村 冨男 福山 万次郎 池田 豊
PP. (A)106 - 113
Studies on the Wood chemical Conversions(IV) : Acid Hydrilysis of Castanea crenata and its Holocellulose
福渡 七郎 中田 幸次郎
PP. (A)114 - 120
Business Analysis of Japanese Cattle Raising in Chugoku-district(6)
坂本 四郎
PP. (A)121 - 138
The Formation of Co-operative Capital and Labour
武内 哲夫
PP. (A)139 - 148
On the Basic Problem of Forestry and Family Forest
北川 泉
PP. (A)149 - 157
Actual Phantom : Notes on Enneades II, 5
多賀 瑞心
PP. (B-1)1-8 -
Where did Kant find the grounds for justification of ownership ?
豊田 全
PP. (B-1)9-19 -
Analysis of Japanese Competition in International Trade
古瀬 鶴城
PP. (B-1)20-31 -
The Educational Spirit of Family-typed Institutes for Childwelfare
金築 忠雄
PP. (B-1)32-39 -
Karyotype Analysis in Tulipa(IX)
田草川 春重 吉田 正温 安川 智登
PP. (B-2)1-9 -
How to Find the Expectation of Number of Female Cattles in a Reclaimed Farm(Part 1)
新宮 忠雄
PP. (B-2)10-11 -
Name of a Simple plane Figure
新宮 忠雄
PP. (B-2)12-13 -
Flora of Jinzai
吉田 正温
PP. (B-2)14-25 -
PP. 0 -