
アクセス数 : 1344
ダウンロード数 : 68
島根農科大学研究報告 4 巻
1956-05-30 発行


On the time that each field bee needed for gathering honey
富永 信
藤光 正昭
d0020004n015.pdf ( 1.09 MB )
1. The time required for gathering a load of nectar from the flowers of loquats was shortest and that form these of the herbs of antumn was longest.
2. Comparing the time factors in relation to the acquisition of food by the honeybee from some sorts of flowers with those from the dish of syrup, I could not help to think that the factors on the time required for gathering a load of nectar from the various flowers was as fllows.
a) Flowers as the source of nectar are massed or dotty.
b) Secretion of nectar from each flower is strong or not.
3. The distance from the hive to the place, where the field bee woked to fill up on nectar, had less influence on the time required for gathering a load of nectar than that I supposed.
4. The records of observation inbicate as follows.