島根大学法文学部 島根大学大学院法務研究科
島根大学法文学部 , 島根大学大学院法務研究科

Current Issue
.Volume 42
Issue 4
Ausbau der Verfassungsbarkeit in schweizerischen Bundesverfassungsentwurf 1996
Watanabe Hisamaru
PP. 1 - 43
Le Moderne et le Postmoderne dans la Philosophie des Droits de I'Homme
Sasaki Nobuomi
PP. 45 - 63
Devolution and Constitutional Reform in UK(1)
Matsui Yukio
PP. 117 - 177
Prospects and Problems of Reform of Labour Law in Britain
PP. 179 - 239
Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Geschworenengerichts in Osterreich
Saito Tetsu
PP. 241 - 271
Untersuchungen uber die Verwaltungsreform von Shimane Prafektur
PP. 273 - 333
For Re-construction of the Theory on Right to Organize(2)
PP. 335 - 363
The Thema and Methodology for Local Society in Crisis and Global Area(3)
Sakayama Takao
PP. 365 - 418
PP. 1 - 25
The Leaden Rule of the Lesbian Artificers : Toward the Jurisprudence for lus non Scriptum
Fukao Yuzo
PP. 419 - 501
PP. 503 - 525