
アクセス数 : 1170
ダウンロード数 : 81
島根農科大学研究報告 10 巻
1962-03-31 発行

アカマツもクロマツ採種園に関する基礎的研究 : 第1報 クロマツの着果について

Fundamental studies on seed gardens of Japanese pine(1) : Some observations on cone-bearing of Kuromatsu (Pinus thunbergii Parl.)
三宅 登
d0020010n027.pdf ( 5.05 MB )
By an investigation of cone-bearing ratio on each tree of Kuromatsu of residential and seaside windbreaks, roadside trees and hedges in the vicinity of Matsue City, in Sep. and Oct. of 1961., the author observed the followings :
1) Of residential windbreaks, unprolific trees seemed to decrese in accordance with the years after pruning. On prolific trees cones were found evenly on all parts of a crown, nevertheless on unprolific ones they were founnd more on an upper part of a crown, independent of planting distances and direction of a windbreak.
2) Generally speaking, about the half of trees examined are unprolific and several of them are remarkably prolific.
3) He supposes the productivity should be inherent with these trees.