
アクセス数 : 1207
ダウンロード数 : 869
島根農科大学研究報告 10 巻
1962-03-31 発行

納豆菌細胞壁の生化学的研究(第1報) : 細胞壁の調製方法と一般的性質

Biochemical Studies on the Cell Wall of Natto Bacteria(1) : Methods for the Preparation of Cell Wall and Some Properties of the Preparations
岩原 章二郎
松本 宗人
d0020010n016.pdf ( 2.24 MB )
The paper showed three methods (alkali, sonic and sonic-alkali treatment) for the preparation of the cell wall of natto bacteria and some chemical properties of the preparations.
1 ) The preparation obtained by alkali treatment contained no nucleic acid, while some impurities remained were observed with electronmicroscope.
2 ) The preparation obtained by sonic treatment contained a few per cent of nucleic acids.
3 ) Both nucleic acid and impurities observable with electronmicroscope were not detected in the preparation obtained by sonic-alkali combinated treatment, which was concluded to be an excellent method of preparing the cell wall of the organism.
4 ) Prepatations obtained by any methods above mentioned contained about 50 per cent of amino acids and about 15 per cent of amino sugars.
5 ) Preparations were attacked by lysozyme and lysozyme like enzymes of natto bacteria' but not attacked by pepsin and trypsin.
6 ) The cell wall of natto bacteria was considered as a polypeptide, containing some amino sugars, similar to those of the other strains of gram positive bacteria.