Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 6
1972-12-15 発行


On Noise Analysis of Hand Feed Planer
Tanaka, Chiaki
Sakurai, Toshio
This paper deals with noise behaviour of hand-feed planer. Noise level in no-load running, planing and vibratory-acceleration level of workpiece generated by planing were measured. The measuring direction of vibratory-acceleration was perpendicular to workpiece motion. The measurement instruments are a sound level meter, vibration meter, 1/3-octave band pass filter and high speed level recorder. Test results show that the source of noise is cutterhead in no-load running and in planing. Though vibratory-acceleration level of workpiece generated by planing increases, noise level increases little when feed speed increases in planing.