Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 6
1972-12-15 発行

強制外カによる地盤・構造物の振動・騒音(III) : 走行車輌による影響

Noise and Vibration of the Ground and Structures Excited by External Forces(III) : Influence by Running Cars on Roads
Sakurai, Toshio
Tanaka, Chiaki
Nosaka, Yazo
Hayashi, Ryuichi
Hirasa, Takafumi
This paper deals with the vibration of roads and wooden houses caused by traffic.
Accelerations in the three principal directions of roads and wooden honses were measured with the aid of six accelrometer, six amplifiers and an electromagnetic oscillograph.
Obteined results are as follows,
1) Vertical accereration of road is the most intensity in three direction and the values of 10-15 cm/s^2 were measured.
2) Horigontal acceleration of wooden house is the most intensity in three direction.
3) Acceleration amplituds of wooden houses is larger than the value of road.