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島根大学法文学部 , 島根大学大学院法務研究科

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Law and Literature and the Graduate School of Law, Shimane University
.Volume 67
Issue 1・2
Cover and table of contents
PP. -
Irrtum über die Rechtmäßigkeit der Vollstreckungshandlung (2)
PP. 1 - 36
Current Status of Discussion regarding Subdivision of Flood Insurance Premium Rate
PP. 37 - 57
Political Context of Judicial Decisions on Abortion in the U.S.
PP. 59 - 115
Jürgen Basedow, Aufgabe und Methodenvielfalt des internationalen Privatrechts im Wandel der Gesellschaft
Basedow Jürgen OHASHI Emi
PP. 117 - 136
Report of Law & Politics at Matsue in 2023
PP. 137 - 138