島根大学法文学部 島根大学大学院法務研究科
島根大学法文学部 , 島根大学大学院法務研究科

Current Issue
.Volume 42
Issue 3
Gesetzgebungsverfahren in der Schweiz
Watanabe Hisamaru
PP. 1 - 37
Criminal Justice Policy under a Tory Government in 1979-97 in the U.K. : Populism and "Law and Order" Policy
PP. 39 - 65
For Re-construction of the Theory on Right to Organize(1)
PP. 67 - 91
The Leaden Rulu of the Lesbian Artificer : Toward the Jurisprudence for Ius non Scriptum(1)
Fukao Yuzo
PP. 93 - 137
Recent Theories of Human Rights in China
Chen Mei
PP. 139 - 161