島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

Current Issue
Memoirs of the Faculty of Education. Literature and Social science
.Volume 8
Interpersonal Attraction : Similarity versus Concern
Yamamoto Toshima
PP. 1 - 4
Induced Movement and the Conceptual Frame
Kujiraoka Takashi
PP. 5 - 14
Address in American English : A Sociolinguistic Approach
Yamada Masayoshi
PP. 15 - 24
On the Singing Forms : Studies in Jewish Music(IV)
Mizuno Nobuo
PP. 25 - 34
A Study from Sonograph on the Musical Vacalization
Ohara Toyohiko
PP. 35 - 47
An Aspect of "Eternity" in Modern Literature : Poe, Pater, and Woolf
Kobayashi Sadayoshi
PP. 1 - 10