島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
.25 巻
A Practical Education with Two Pianos(II)
吉名 重美
PP. 1 - 10
The Intervention and Treatment to the Mothers of the School Refusal Children
猪野 郁子 大西 俊江 西田 政弘 伊藤 百合子
PP. 11 - 16
The Reliability of Early Language Development Inventory
小椋 たみ子 山下 由紀恵 村瀬 俊樹
PP. 17 - 31
Policy on Sports in Oozu City, Ehime Prefecture
PP. 33 - 60
The Activities of Councilmen : On the Case of Kamo-cho in Shimane Prefecture
中川 政樹 小林 悟
PP. 61 - 74
The Study of Councilmen in the Western Okayama Prefecture
中川 政樹 小林 悟
PP. 75 - 92
A Study of Miyazawa-Kenji's "Kogen-syukujo"
木村 東吉
PP. 1 - 13
A Study of Classifier (量詞) in Documents on Bamboo and Mooden Slips
PP. 15 - 47
Daikakuji-To (大覚寺統) and Jimyoin-To (持明院統) in Masu-Kagami (増鏡) : On the Heir of Imperial Throne
PP. 49 - 60
The Theory of War in Lushi Chunqiu (呂氏春秋) : The Comparison with Mozi (墨子), Simafa (司馬法)
湯浅 邦弘
PP. 61 - 75