島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
.31 巻
A Study of "Paul Klee's Primitive"
石野 眞
PP. 1 - 5
A Dictionary of Commonplace Words in Present-Day American Real-Life Contexts
山田 政美 吾郷 由希 細田 大輔
PP. 7 - 19
Identity and Self-Cognition of Adolescence in the Nursing Students
落合 のり子 堤 雅雄
PP. 21 - 40
On the Process of the Making the Palm Leaf Manuscripts at Aluviharaya Temple, in Sri Lanka
三保 忠夫 三保 サト子
PP. 41 - 54
Picture Books in the Early Years : A Study of a Child One Years Old
足立 悦男 足立 茂美
PP. 55 - 74
A Study of Classifier (Liangci) in the Narrow Strips of Bamboo/Wood in the Ancient China : For the Sake of Studying of Japanese Ciassifier
PP. 1 - 23
A Study of the "Minister" in Rekishimonogatari(2)
PP. 25 - 36
Haiku of Chikushi Abe
日野 雅之
PP. 37 - 46