島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
.33 巻
A Study of Agriculture and livestock Farming in Rural and Mountainous Areas of Korea
PP. 1 - 10
PP. 11 - 23
The opinion movement for realization of the modern public education in France : La Ligue de l'enseignement
PP. 25 - 37
A Study on Bone Density and Life of Elementary School Children
PP. 39 - 42
PP. 43 - 56
When Just "Please" Won't Do : Communicative Competence and Politeness in Japanese and English
ホワイト ショーン・A.
山田 政美
PP. 57 - 68
On Japanese Numeral Classifiers Used for Counting Animals : A Study of the Origin of Japanese Numeral Classifiers
PP. 1 - 24