島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
.23 巻
2 号
The Relation between Eating Habits and Personality Traits
藤江 奏
PP. 1 - 12
Baby Image(I)
猪野 郁子 多田 學 福沢 陽一郎 岡崎 美代子
PP. 13 - 18
The Relation between Dispositional "Shuhti" (Shame) and Self-consciousness in Late Adolescence
PP. 19 - 28
A Study of Clinical Psychological Approach to Puberal Crisis : On two girl's cases
大西 俊江
PP. 29 - 34
A Semantic and Cultural Study of Everyday English Words
山田 政美 田中 芳文
PP. 35 - 42
Recent Trends of Learners' Japanese-English Dictionaries and their Problems to Be Solved : Toward a Truly Practical Japanese-English Dictionary
井上 永幸
PP. 43 - 53
On the Conception of Miyazawa-Kenji's "Katyouzuhu"
木村 東吉
PP. 1 - 18
On the Josushi (助数詞) in Ancient Documents(2)
PP. 19 - 27
An Introduction to the Way of Idealizing Michinaga Fujiwara in O-Kagami
PP. 29 - 44
Tiantao 天道 and Rule of the Mawangtui 馬王堆 Silk Manuscript Chen 称
湯浅 邦弘
PP. 45 - 64