島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学

島根大学教育学部紀要. 人文・社会科学
.6 巻
Studies on the Relationship between One's Taste for Food and Personality(III)
猪野 郁子 藤江 奏
PP. 1 - 14
A Comparative Study on the Form of Trousers in Different Localities
古野 美那子
PP. 15 - 24
Rorschach Responses of Infants(Part I)
大西 俊江
PP. 25 - 38
The Problem of Experience in Induced Movement(I)
鯨岡 峻 鯨岡 和子
PP. 39 - 54
The Synagogue Cantillation and the Gregorian Chant
水野 信男
PP. 55 - 75
How to Teach Painting to Little Children
米原 智
PP. 77 - 89
On Paul Klee's "Padagogisches Skizzenbuch"
石野 眞
PP. 91 - 104
The Pronuniciation of Chiniese Characters in Hyakuzetsu Orai
北 恭昭
PP. 1 - 38
Some Notes on Kojiki(II)
古賀 精一
PP. 39 - 44
Pater, the Man of Homesickness
小林 定義
PP. 45 - 55