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この文献の参照には次のURLをご利用ください : https://doi.org/10.24568/5985
島根大学教育学部紀要 39 巻
2006-02 発行
SRI Wahyuni
( 288 KB )
Indonesian is the national language of the Republic of Indonesia. Recording to Aikhenvald(2000), this language is grouped to the numeral classifier(CL)language. The study of numeral classifier of Indonesian language resulted to classified it into three class i.e. individuation, collective and portion. Individuation could be divided into 3 categories; that is human, animal and inanimate. CL“orang”is used for human, CL”ekor”for animal. CL“buah”is for inanimate and also for a matter whose classifier is not known. CL“orang”cannot use for dead human and also CL“ekor”for dead animal. For an Indonesian speaker, the classification of numeral classifier of Indonesian language does not emphasize on the animate or inanimate, but is based on the“moving”or”unmoving.”Due to this(“moving”and“unmoving”), the flora classified as inanimate. Collective could be divided into 7 categories i. e. categories based on a non fixed number of each group, categorized based on the fixed number of each group, categorized based on bunch or bundle, categorized after separation from their stem, categorized base on accumulation form, categorized based on the stratum, and categorized based on the pairing. Portion could be divided into 6 categories i. e. categorized based on parts of the whole, monetary value, measurement unit, time, shape and activities .
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