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島根農科大学研究報告 15 巻
1967-01-31 発行
リグニンの単離および単離リグニンの反応性(第6報) : 赤外吸収スペクトル法によるアルカリ・リグニン中のカルボキシル基の定量について
Reactivity of the Isolated Lignin(VI) : On the Determination of the Carboxyl Groups in the Alkali lignins by the Infrared Absorption Spectrography
福渡 七郎
錦織 勇
( 1.28 MB )
One of the methodes of determination of the small quantities of the carboxyl groups contained within the natural complex molecules, especially of the alkali lignins has been examined with the infrared spectrography, where as a inner standard substance the potassium thiocyanate, and as the model substances of alkali lignin monomer containing carboxyl groups the ferulic acid and the cinnamic acid are adopted. When the ferulic acid is used as a standard model, the carboxyl groups content of the alkali lignin of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don (Sugi) is estimated 0.89 %. i. e, 0.035 COOH per O<CH>_3, and then about one carboxyl group per twenty-eight monomeric units.
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