
アクセス数 : 929
ダウンロード数 : 64
島根農科大学研究報告 14 巻
1965-12-31 発行


Some Japanese Characteristics of Forest Recreation(1)
中村 貞一
d0020014n017.pdf ( 747 KB )
This paper is the first half of an study on the Japanese characteristics of forest recreation.
In this issue it contains descriptions of ancient recreational patterns in woodlands, and some characteristics of forest recreation in the old Japanese livings. The second half of this study will appear in the next issue, containing patterns and characteristics of forest recreation in the modern Japan.
In the old Japanese livings the author found such forest recreations as huntings with bow and arrow, falconry, sport fishing in mountain streams, outing for viewing fall colour, mountaineering etc., among court officials and nobilities, which were less popular than the recreation in the open fields or at the seaside.
He tried, by searching into the Mannyosyu, to evaluate
1 ) a situation of the forest recreation in old livings of the Japanese,
2 ) their feeling toward woodlands, and
3 ) an amount of their interest, which they showed in forest recreation at that time.