
アクセス数 : 1116
ダウンロード数 : 77
島根農科大学研究報告 14 巻
1965-12-31 発行


Studies on Virus Diseases of Tulip in Shimane Prefecture(2)
山本 昌木
石田 昭夫
益子 道生
門脇 義行
d0020014n009.pdf ( 3.58 MB )
This paper deals with the results of investigations on Tulip viruses, with special reference to tulip plants infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Judging from the artificial inoculations of CMV which was isolated from Cucumis sativus and Raphanus sativus, tulip plants might have a possibility of becoming the suscept of the virus. Tulip plants which were inoculated with CMV before planting tubers showed purplish-red color on the leaf-tip after the growing of plant height was about 10mm.
The symptoms of tulip plants infected with CMV may be grouped into three different types. And these symptoms were clearly discriminated from those of TV infectd ones. Cucumber mosaic virus induced the low yield of tulip bulbs. Petals infected with CMV showed pale pink color. The cucumber mosaic virus of these investigations may be identified as Cucumber Virus I (Brielley) or Ordinaly strain of CMV(Hidaka et al).
By an artificial inoculations, CMV and TV checked the growth and bulb yield of tulip plants. This tendency was remarkable in the case of CMV.
By means of serological investigations, distinct difference was proved between the tulip bulbs infected with TV and other bulbs (healthy bulbs and those infected with CMV). However, further investigations may be required on the difference between the healthy bulbs and CMV infected ones.