
アクセス数 : 1218
ダウンロード数 : 259
島根大学理学部紀要 17 巻
1983-12-25 発行

地学試料の電子顕微鏡的観察(その4) : 走査顕微鏡による高さの計測

Electron Microscopy of the Geologic Materials(Part 4) : A Method of Measurement of Height by Scanning Electron Microscope
大久保 雅弘
c0010017r012.pdf ( 5 MB )
This paper presents the discussion on a method of measurement of height by SEM and its resuits,in takmg the case of some Miocene diatoms. If the stereomicrographs are taken,it is easy to calculate a three-dimentional height from the following formula:H=b/sinθ-a/tanθ(θ is the angle between a stereopair. A and b are the distances of the specific points from the axis of rotation.).As the results,the inner depths of the frustules of Thalassionema andDenticulopsis,and the relative relief of the frustule surface of Actinocyclus are quantitativeiy clearified These values must serve to deepen our understanding on the outer micro-features,though the slight aberrations are undevoidable.