
.22 巻
Periodic solutions of the equation x^^・(t)=-f(x(t))(g(x(t))+h(x(t-1)))
PP. 1 - 9
Some Properties of Royden Boundary of an Infinite Network
榧野 尚 山﨑 稀嗣
PP. 11 - 19
山田 深雪
PP. 21 - 31
Projectivity of Left Loops on R^n
吉川 通彦
PP. 33 - 41
Linear Topological Spaces and Simplical Complexes with the Loacally Convex Topology
PP. 43 - 49
A Construction of Anti-Lie Triple Systems from a Class of Triple Systems
神谷 徳昭
PP. 51 - 62
Bound state solution of a One-Dimensional Three-Body System
宗像 康雄
PP. 63 - 66
PP. 67 - 73
Large Vacancy Clusters in Aluminum Single Crystals with a Low Dislocation Density
水野 薫 岡本 博之 小野 興太郎 伊藤 一義
PP. 75 - 81
Longevity and germinability of buried seeds in Trapa sp.
PP. 83 - 91
Effects of osmotic stabilizers on turbidity changes and growth of Escherichia coli L-form NC7
小野田 哲夫 大島 朗伸
PP. 93 - 101
Respiratory chain of the alkalophilic bacterium, Bacillus sp. I-1
大島 朗伸 小野田 哲夫 西上 一義
PP. 103 - 111
Properties of membrane bound ATPase in Escherichia coli K12 and its L-form NC7
仲野 茂 小野田 哲夫
PP. 113 - 121
Note on the marine algal flora of the Oki Isls(VIII)
梶村 光男
PP. 123 - 130
The Churia(Siwalik) Group in the Western Part of the Arung Khola Area, West Central Nepal
徳岡 隆夫 武田 伸二 吉田 充夫 Upreti B.N.
PP. 131 - 140,図5枚