
.13 巻
On H-Compatible Quasi-orthodox Semigroups
山田 深雪 庄司 邦孝
PP. 1 - 9
Orthodox Semigroups on which Green's Relations are Compatible
庄司 邦孝 山田 深雪
PP. 11 - 16
Remaraks on Solvability of Lie Triple Algebras
吉川 通彦
PP. 17 - 22
Automorphisms of Some Surfaces and Equivariant Line Bundles
松永 弘道
PP. 23 - 29
Discrete Potentials on an Infinite Network
山﨑 稀嗣
PP. 31 - 44
Almost Periodic Functions on Topological Semigroups
榧野 尚
PP. 45 - 53
Magnetic Susceptibility of Li_xMn_<1-x>Se
伊藤 隆 渡部 眞行 伊藤 一義 岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳)
PP. 55 - 58
A Duality between the Quark-Orbital Trajectories and Its Constraints for Mesons and Baryons
猪野 武敏
PP. 59 - 69
Scalar Mesons in a Duality Scheme Based on the Quark-Orbital Regge Trajectory
猪野 武敏
PP. 71 - 74
Veneziano-like Model with 2q2q^^- Baryonium Trajectory and Elastic p-p Scattering at 90°c.m.
猪野 武敏
PP. 75 - 78
Electron Microscopic Observations on the Hatching Gland Cells of Hynobius naevius okiensis SATO
大氏 正己 松野 あきら
PP. 79 - 85
Alpha Adrenoceptors : Pigment Aggregation in Oryzias Leucophores
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 87 - 95
Note on the Marine Algal Flora in the Middle Part of the Japan Sea Coast of Honshu(II) : Rhodophyta
梶村 光男
PP. 97 - 120
Discovery of Middle Miocene Mollusus at Kumi, Dogo, Oki Islands
大久保 雅弘 高安 克已
PP. 121 - 130
Quaternary System in the Izumo Coastal Plain
大西 郁夫
PP. 131 - 144
Rodingite from the Metabasite in the North Eastern Part of Gozu City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
小林 英夫
PP. 145 - 159
On the Asagiridani Granodioritic Stock, Tottori Prefecture, Southwest Japan
飯泉 滋
PP. 161 - 182