
.20 巻
Matrices of Clifford Semigroups, and a Generalization of Rees's Theorem
山田 深雪
PP. 1 - 7
Remarks on Canonical Connections of Loops with the Left Inverse Property
吉川 通彦
PP. 9 - 19
Note on Bundles over Spheres with Group Actions
松永 弘道
PP. 21 - 24
A Locally Convex Topology of Simplicial Complexes
PP. 25 - 30
Regge Residues Predicted from a Uniquely Determined π-π Dual Amplitude
猪野 武敏
PP. 31 - 35
A Description of qq^^- and qq^^-qq^^- Mesons and High-energy Forward π^^-π^^+→π^^0π^^0 Reaction
猪野 武敏
PP. 37 - 42
Magnetic Properties of Gd-Sc Single Crystal Alloys
伊藤 隆 山内 和夫 水野 薫 伊藤 一義
PP. 43 - 49
Ultrasonic Study of Screw Spin Antiferromagnetic Domains in Gd_<0.7>Y_<0.2>Lu_<0.1>
竹内 潤 伊藤 隆 岡 真弘 (旧名:正巳)
PP. 51 - 57
Pigmentary Responses of Oryzias latipes to Darkness
絹谷 次朗 伊賀 哲郎
PP. 59 - 62
Isolation and its characters of Escherichia coli K-12, L-form
小野田 哲夫
PP. 69 - 76
Autolysis induced by salts in a mutant of Bacillus subtilis
秦 恵 小野田 哲夫
PP. 77 - 85
Distribution Pattern of Carex kobomugi OHWI Growing on Sandy Beaches of Shimane Prefecture,San'in Region
宮田 逸夫 原元 利浩
PP. 87 - 97
Vegetative propagation and spore germination in Distromium decumbens(OKAMURA) LEVRING (Phaeophyta, Dictyotaceae) in culture
梶村 光男
PP. 99 - 105
Morphological study on Sauvageaugloia ikomae (NARITA) INAGAKI (Phaeophyta,Chordariaceae) from the Oki Islands, Shimane Prefecture
梶村 光男
PP. 107 - 113
Geochemistry of Some Miocene to Quaternary Igneous Rocks Bordering an Ensialic Marginal Basin - An Example from Eastern Shimane Prefecture and Oki Dozen Island, Southwest Japan
モリス P.A.
PP. 115 - 133
The Churia (Siwalik) Group of the Arung Khola Area, West Central Nepal
徳岡 隆夫 高安 克已 吉田 充夫 久富 邦彦
PP. 135 - 210,図8枚