
.15 巻
On Homogeneous Systems(IV)
吉川 通彦
PP. 1 - 7
S^<1->Actions on Sphere Bundles over Spheres
松永 弘道
PP. 9 - 16
Note on the Construction of Regular [*-]Semigroups
山田 深雪
PP. 17 - 22
Prehomomorphisms on Regular [*-]Semigroups
PP. 23 - 27
Separation of the Rotational Coordinates in the Three Body Problem
宗像 康雄
PP. 29 - 42
Fluoride and Borate-Boron in Interstitial Water of Marine Sediment
奥村 稔 井戸垣 正俊 北野 康
PP. 43 - 48
Effects of Divalent Cations on Actions of Informational Molecules on Melanophores of Zacco temmincki
高畠 育雄 伊賀 哲郎
PP. 49 - 56
The Effect of Denervation of Abdominal Musculature on the Prolapse of Esophagus and Stomach in the Vomiting of Frogs
内藤 富夫 中井 博子 福原 武
PP. 57 - 63
Effects of Dibutyryl Cyclic AMP in Cell Behavior : Studies on Glucosamine-Requiring Mutant Derived from Chinese Hamster Lung Cells
小野田 哲夫
PP. 65 - 74
Streptophyllopsis a new genus of Laminariaceae,Phaeophyta, from Japan
梶村 光男
PP. 75 - 87
Fossil Molluscs from the Miocene Masuda Group at Okuda, Masuda City : Molluscan Fossils from Various Localities in Shimane Prefecture(Part 2)
PP. 89 - 113
A Full-automatic Analysis of Silicate Rocks by X-ray Fluorescence Method
小林 英夫 渡辺 暉夫 飯泉 滋
PP. 115 - 124
Miocene Fossil Beds of Dogo, Oki Islands
大久保 雅弘
PP. 125 - 137
Some Informations on the Geochemical Prospecting for Guano Phosphorites in Eastern Timor
島田 昱郎
PP. 139 - 147