
.20 巻
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the San-in natural and cultural institute
三谷 健次 山岡 栄市 盛政 貞人 内藤 正中 竹浪 重雄
PP. 1 - 7
Vegetation of Nagu district, Oki Islands
西上 一義 杉村 喜則
PP. 9 - 25
The distribution of zinc and copper in the coastal water around the Oki Islands (II)
奥村 稔 井戸垣 正俊
PP. 27 - 35
A report on children's plays in the Oki Islands (3)
永田 栄一
PP. 37 - 61
The welfare of the handicapped in Oki district (IV)
西 信高 吉田 正二 高橋 憲二
PP. 63 - 77
Catalogues of the tertiary invertebrate fossils in Shimane prefecture
大久保 雅弘 高安 克已
PP. 79 - 111
Note on the marine algal flora in the western part of Wakasa Bay, San-in district of Honshu
梶村 光男
PP. 113 - 148
Some human deaths with no seasonality (Human death statistics in Shimane prefecture)
長澤 純夫
PP. 149 - 158
Studies on the variation of water quality in Nakanoumi area. Part6. Distribution of phytoplankton communities in Nakanoumi. No.2
伊達 善夫 近藤 邦男 川田 修一 林 伸行
PP. 159 - 179
On the function for conservation of environment upon the agreements against environmental pollution : A case study in Shimane prefecture
竹内 正 紙本 武治
PP. 181 - 197
Matsue as consumer city and its function as Market
池田 善昭
PP. 199 - 218
Farm management analysis in plowing and ground making of bur clover (MOKUSHUKU) cultivation on high ridge in paddy field
PP. 219 - 241
The group nursing of infants in Shimane prefecture (I) : The actual conditions of day nursery and kindergarten
PP. 243 - 255
Selected bibliography of the Kuwabara library (III)
PP. 1 - 21