
.17 巻
A Vegetation of the Floating Island in the Pond, Yui-no-Ike
杦村 喜則 西上 一義
PP. [1] - 11
Note on the marine algal flora of the Oki Isls
梶村 光男
PP. [13] - 30
The Welfare of the Handicapped in Oki District
西 信高 吉田 正二 高橋 憲二
PP. [31] - 50
On the Folktales in the District of Oki-Dozen
田中 瑩一 酒井 董美
PP. [51] - 69
Studies of Game Songs of Children around Naka-umi and in the Oki Islands (II)
水野 信男
PP. [71] - 87
A Historical Study on Makihata (Field-Grass Husbandry) in Oki Islands by Tokio Mitsuhashi
斎藤 政夫
PP. [89] - 98
A Study in the History of Oki Islands in Edo Period by Kazumasa Nagami
松尾 壽
PP. [99] - 108
On the Behavior of Japanese Giant Salamander in the Stream of Nishitani, Shimane Prefecture
大氏 正己 杦村 喜則 松野 あきら 稲葉 茂
PP. [109] - 116
The Distribution of Types of Hade (Stand for Rice Drying) and its Related Factors in Shimane Prefecture
山田 一郎 福田 晟 伊藤 憲弘
PP. [117] - 138
Election and Political Consciousness : In the Case of Hirata
井上 寛
PP. [139] - 168,表6
The Formative Process of a Strawberry Growing District (II)
猪股 趣
PP. [181] - 202
On the Sugatagaoka Ancient Tomb on the Campus of Shimane University
山本 淸
PP. 1 - 20
The Religious Life in Genza (I)
松塚 豊茂
PP. 21 - 33
The Genealogy of Ceramists in Izumo during Edo Period
原 宏
PP. 35 - 75
Studies of Kakeyama (Forest-pasture Tenancy) of Tanabe, the Iron Manufacturer in Izumo Province (I)
斎藤 政夫
PP. 77 - 101
Notes on the Place Name, "Uppurui"
PP. 103 - 115