
.9 巻
人文・社会科学篇 号
Some Aspects of Local City
池田 善昭
PP. 1 - 15
On the Treatment of the Public Hazard in the San-in District
竹内 正 紙本 武治
PP. 16 - 34
Economic Level and Industrial Structure of San-in District : Interprefecture Statistical Comparison
武内 哲夫
PP. [1] - 22
Cultivating and Marketing Analysis on Natsudaidai (Citrus natsudaidai HAYATA) in the West San-in District
猪股 趣
PP. [23] - 35
The Social Attitudes of the Secondary School Pupils of Deserted Districts in a Rural Community
久松 昌範
PP. [36] - 48
PP. [49] - 82
Test Anxiety and General Anxiety in School Children and Pupils : Seen from the Viewpoint Region, Grade and Sex
上田 順一
PP. [83] - 93
A Study of the Folk Dances in Shimane (II)
碓井 エイ
PP. [94] - 108
The Cooks in Shimane Prefecture
岡田 三郎
PP. 109 - 121