西上 一義
.16 巻
PP. 1 - 7
Materials for the study of Lafcadio Hearn (II) : On the Newspaper Accounts of "Kyushu Nichinichi"
広瀬 朝光
PP. 9 - 23
"A Senior High School Teacher's Postwar History" by Haru Fujiwara : A Legacy of the Postwar Period Education
松尾 壽
PP. 25 - 32
On the Giant Salamander, Megalobatrachus japonicus (TEMMINCK) of Shimane Prefecture
大氏 正己
松野 あきら
PP. 1 - 11
Observations of the Activities of Spiders and the Effects of Insecticides on their Populations in Paddy Field
三浦 正
伊藤 知徳
PP. 13 - 40
A Recovery of the Water Meadow Vegetation of the Go-no-kawa River after the Flood in July, 1972(II)
杦村 喜則
西上 一義
PP. 41 - 46
PP. 47 - 78
The Legal Analysis upon the Agreements against Environmental Pollution in Shimane and Tottori Prefectures
竹内 正
紙本 武治
PP. 79 - 97
The Development of Forest Utilization at the Mountain Villages in Chugoku District
中尾 鉱
PP. 99 - 114
PP. 115 - 130
