
.11 巻
自然科学編 号
Natural environments of Mt.Sanbe (I) Ponds in the Sanbe
丸山 巌 村田 実 三浦 清 西上 一義
PP. [1] - 17
Distribution and Ecological Peculiarities of Some Macroscopic Algae Found in Lake Nakanoumi
秋山 優 佐川 紀子
PP. [19] - 26
Ecological Studies on Algal Plankton in Lake Nakanoumi
佐川 紀子 秋山 優
PP. [27] - 39
Variation throughout the Year in Moisture Content of Wooden Materials : 1. Measurement at the Division of Wood Science and Technology, Shimane University
後藤 輝男 高橋 徹 作野 友康 往西 弘次 田中 千秋 古野 毅 村上 幸可
PP. [40] - 47
On the Vibration Harms in San-in District
桜井 敏夫 野坂 弥蔵
PP. [48] - 60
Small Water Power Stations in Shimane Prefecture (XI)
神門 顕 神門 邦次
PP. [61] - 80
Land Creeps in Shimane Prefecture (II). Land Creeps of the Lower Pleistocene Formation : With Special Reference to the Investigation of Land Creeps of the Mizukami Formation
三浦 清
PP. [81] - 92
X-Ray Studies on Minerals Found in Ultrabasic Rocks Around the Border Area of Shimane and Tottori Prefecture I
北原 順一
PP. [93] - 119