
.13 巻
Pesticide Residues in the Environment around Shinji Lake
松井 佳久 田中 俊彦 持田 和男 伊達 善夫
PP. 1 - 12
Vertebral Abnormalities in Zacco platypus of Rivers Kimachi-gawa and Jorakuji-gawa and Residual Pesticides in Water and Fish Bodies
伊賀 哲郎 田中 俊彦 伊達 善夫 松井 佳久 伊藤 富夫
PP. 13 - 22
On the Vibrate Status of Road and House Caused by Running Cars
桜井 敏夫
PP. 23 - 29
The Real Conditions and it's Problems on Traffic Accidents of School Children in Shimane Prefecture (I)
喜多村 望
PP. 31 - 40
Agreement for Prevention of Environmental Disruption in Shimane and Tottori Prefectures
竹内 正 紙本 武治
PP. 41 - 58
Barnacles of Lakes Shinji-ko, Naka-umi and Jinzai-ko
伊賀 哲郎
PP. 59 - 69
The Effects of Flood on the Water Meadow Vegetation of the Go-no-kawa River
西上 一義 丸山 巌
PP. 71 - 89
Possibility of the Cultivation of Tea Plants and Its Actual States in Shimane Prefecture
山田 一郎 福田 晟
PP. 91 - 98
Pollenanalysis of Bottom Deposits from Ukinuno-ike and Muronouchi-ike Ponds, near Mt.Sanbe, Shimane Prefecture
大西 郁夫
PP. 99 - 109
X-Ray Studies on Minerals Found in Ultrabasic Rocks Around the Border Area of Shimane and Tottori Prefectures III
北原 順一
PP. 111 - 129
Problems on the so-called Palaeolithic in Izumo
大久保 雅弘
PP. 131 - 134
Small Water Power Stations in Shimane Prefecture XIII
神門 顕 神門 邦次
PP. 135 - 156
Core-cities in Chugoku and Shikoku Districts
池田 善昭
PP. 157 - 169
Development of Forest Utilization at the Mountain Villages in Chugoku-district
中尾 鉱
PP. 171 - 195
A Study on the social Mobility of Working Youth, called "U-turn"
上田 順一
PP. 197 - 211
PP. 213 - 262
On the Development and Process of the Housing Life in Rural Community in Sanin District
三島 としえ
PP. 263 - 290
A History of JuDo and Kendo in Shimane Prefecture VI
福田 明正
PP. 291 - 307
On Keicho Kenchi-cho (Record of Land Surveying in Keicho Era) of Kuromatsu in Iwami Province
原 宏
PP. 1 - 14