
.10 巻
人文・社会科学篇 号
The Stone Coffins in San in District III
山本 清
PP. 1 - 23
The Eiwa Edition of Nihonshoki and "Takata Hundred Poems"
河野 憲善
PP. 24 - 41
The Discovery of Keicho Kenchi-cho (Records of Land Surveying in Keicho Era) of Takunomura in Iwami Province
原 宏
PP. 42 - 86
The Rise and Fall of the Governing Class in the Village in Edo Period The Case of Oshihara-mura in Iwami Silver Mine District under the Direct Control of the Shogunate
山岡 栄市
PP. 87 - 104
On the moment of Religious Conversion : The Case of Sai ichi Asahara
松塚 豊茂
PP. 105 - 132
A History of Judo and Kendo in Shimane Prefecture : (4) The Early Showa Era
福田 明正
PP. 133 - 161
The Current Measures against Public Hazards in San in District
竹内 正 紙本 武治
PP. 162 - 182
The Western Economic Sphere in Shimane Prefecture and its Nucleus Cities
池田 善昭
PP. 183 - 198
The Folk Music of Shimane Prefecture (I)
水野 信男
PP. [1] - 5
A Geographical Study of the Wood-Chip Industry in Shimane Prefecture
野本 晃史
PP. [6] - 21
The Trend of Traffic Safety Programs in Schools in Shimane Prefecture
西山 啓
PP. [22] - 41