.4 巻
PP. -
Considerations in Teaching Method to Get Deep Learning by Dialogue between Children in Special Needs Education
青木 爽
樋口 和彦
PP. 1 - 8
A Practical Study on Elementary School Science based on Learning Problem and Inquiry -Through the 5th Grade Lessons on "Aqueous Solution"-
石井 美法
栢野 彰秀
PP. 9 - 15
Practical Use of Electronically Assisted Astronomy(EAA) as STEAM Educational Materials in Science Education - Operation of Astronomical Observation Using Plate Solving Technology and CMOS Camera -
PP. 17 - 29
PP. 31 - 36
A Comparative Study of “The Skills of Inquiry” , “The Skills of Communication” and Examples of Science Competencies Shown in ”The Process of Inquiry”.
PP. 37 - 44
Classroom Practice with the Use of“Shimafu”Teaching Plan Format :Lessons Adapting the Concept of Universal Design for Learning
PP. 45 - 59
"Problem Solving" and "Inquiry" in the Elementary and Middle School Science Course of Study after 1969
白山 由希子
栢野 彰秀
PP. 61 - 69
