.5 巻
Characteristics of Setting up a Hypothesis in Elementary School Science Textbooks : The Textbook Adopted by Matsue City as an Example
堀田 寛弥
栢野 彰秀
PP. 1 - 10
A Study on Tactical Learning of Offensive and Defensive Ball Sports in Physical Education Classes at Elementary School : Using Tenipin as a Subject
永瀬 七月
久保 研二
PP. 11 - 21
A Study on the Learning Guidance Process in “Special Subject Morality” : Through Verification of Teaching Practice in Elementary School
大塚 智之
塩津 英樹
PP. 23 - 42
Consideration of High School History Class Aiming at Fostering Historical Thinking Ability : Focusing on the Ability to Transfer History to the Present
神田 健介
中村 怜詞
PP. 43 - 52
PP. 53 - 59
