島根大学大学院教育学研究科 教育実践開発専攻
島根大学大学院教育学研究科 教育実践開発専攻

.2 巻
The structure of the consciousness of school clerical staffs ― Focus on their sense of burden ―
PP. 1 - 10
Practice and Consideration of Learning about Takeshima toward Peaceful Solutions, throgh Planning Dialogues between Japanese and Korean Junior High School Students:Based on Junior High School Study History Lesson for Takeshima issues and Negotiation toward the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Korea
PP. 11 - 27
A New System of Electronic Stargazing Technology in Astronomy Education ─ Development of Electronic Stargazing Technology using CMOS Camera and Plate Solving Technology ─
千代西尾 祐司 古都 浩朗 竹内 幹蔵
PP. 29 - 39
A Study on the Effects of the Active Learning of High School World History Class and the correspondence of entrance examination
PP. 41 - 59
A Study of a Teaching Method that Promotes the Spontaneous Use of Reading Strategies at the High School : Focusing on Motivation by Making Questions
登城 千加
PP. 61 - 76
Teaching Expressive Communication of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Special School for Children with Intellectual Disabilities An Investigation of Educational Contents for Independence and Social Participationl
PP. 99 - 108
A Practical Study on Creative Music-Making Instruction for Senior High School ─Focusing on Improvisation with Percussions─
安田 真梨 河添 達也
PP. 89 - 97
Application of the Resilience to Technology Education
大塚 芳生 鹿釜 良一 橋爪 一治
PP. 121 - 128
The Efforts to Introduce Unit Learning that Emphasizes the Connection of Learning Contents between Elementary School and Junior High School ― The 1st Grade of a Junior High School “Let's investigate the process of leaf making and how they work. ~Leaves and Photosynthesis~”―
PP. 129 - 136
PP. 137 - 147