島根大学大学院教育学研究科 教育実践開発専攻
島根大学大学院教育学研究科 教育実践開発専攻

.6 巻
Attempting to Assess an Attitude Toward Independent-Minded Learning #2: In Case of 3rd Grade of Middle School Science Unit "Motion and Energy"
山代 一成 栢野 彰秀
PP. 1 - 10
Attempting to Assess an Attitude Toward Independent-Minded Learning #3: In Case of 3rd Grade of Elementary School Science Unit "Work of the Wind"
白山 由希子 栢野 彰秀
PP. 11 - 18
How the Small Child Care Support Activities in the Community Supported Parents of Handicapped Children
PP. 19 - 34
Using Retelling Tasks to Motivate High School Students to Improve Their English Speaking Skills
PP. 35 - 42
Effectiveness of Assessment in Understanding Students: Through the Use of Assessment Sheets for Student Guidance and Educational Consultation
藤原 建 岡﨑 茂
PP. 43 - 53
Setting Up a Hypothesis in Middle School Science Textbooks: The Textbook Adopted by Matsue City as an Example
原田 奈央 栢野 彰秀
PP. 55 - 67
Experience Process for “Care Experience” by University Student: A Qualitative Analysis Using M-GTA
前田 賢輔 鎌野 育代
PP. 69 - 75
Cooperating with Local Community Centers to Help 7th Graders Better Consider ‘Ideal Places to Live in’: Curriculum Improvement in the Compulsory School Attached to Faculty of Education, Shimane University
PP. 77 - 91