Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University 41
2007-12-25 発行

河川底質物の地質学的・地球化学的研究 : 中部地方木曽川と庄内川の比較

Geological and geochemical characteristics of river sediment from Kisogawa and Shounaigawa rivers, central Japan
Ito, Mayuka
Kisogawa and Shounaigawa are typical rivers which flow through Nobi plain, Chubu district, central Japan. Nagoya which is a highly populated big city is located near these rivers. The content analysis and elution (liquate out) test on the heavy metals of Cd, CN, Pb, Cr, As, Hg, Ni, Zn and Cu from the river sediment for the purpose of environment assessment. The samples were extracted at intervals of several km. In Kisogawa river, high content value (but below an environmental standards value) of As and Pd by the past old metal mine was accepted in the middle stream. In Shounaigawa river, the high content of heavy metals was accepted in the comparatively large range in the lower stream. Especially about As, excess of environmental standards value was detected at three
places of the lower stream.