Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University

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Memoirs of the Faculty of Education, Shimane University 41
2007-12-25 発行


A Study on Teaching Plans with Scientific Perspectives and Organization in Subjects
Nishi, Nobutaka
 There were summer classes for the teachers who wanted to get teaching certificates of Special Support Education in Shimane Prefecture. I was one of lecturers and required to submit a paper which the theme was how to teach swimming. The papers were submitted almost one month later. However, a specific tendency was showed, that is, teachers taking the course did not feel much interest in scientific research on the theory and technology of swimming.
 Generally speaking, it is very important to research on teaching materials. But such research is often neglected especially in special support schools and similar classes in ordinary schools. The fundamental low of education in Japan requests to follow the Constitution in the activities of education. We must be admitted to respect any theories by ourselves. However, we must comply with such laws. It is considered that teaches neglect the effort to research on teaching materials when they miss the ideal aims of education in such laws. It seems to be very difficult for teachers to have confidence such ideal aims especially in mentally disabled pupils, so they miss scientific perspectives and organization in their daily practices of classes.