Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University

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Bulletin of the Faculty of Agriculture, Shimane University 9
1975-12-15 発行


On the Characteristics of a Monorail Type Carrier on the Slope
Tanabe, Hajime
Mechanical properties of monorail carrier for slope land driven by a pair of pin wheel and rack were investigated.
1. Assuming that the pin wheel rotates about the fixed point and the rack moves rectilinearly, driving point of the pin describes a part of locus of circle of radius R with a center of co-ordinates(-r・sinα, r・cosα), where r is radius of pin, R is radius of pin wheel at center of pin, and α is pressure angle of rack tooth.
2. As instantanious travelling velocity of the carrier is not equal to velocity of the pin coming into contact, they receive a impact load each other.
3. Driving and driven losses of torque have linear relations to driving torque, which are the same but opposite slopes each other. And as the sum of them is constant, situations of the loss can be explained clearly in all over the torques(fig.10).
4. Maximum overall efficiency was about 60% at draft of 200-240kg.